Camp Out :
It is with a heavy heart that I have to announce that the 2023 Father and Son Camp Out has been cancelled for the first time since 2011. This was due to logistical issues after a policy change at the Corps of Engineers. We are currently looking for a new home so if you know someone with land that would allow us to use it please let me know at 254 -291-6840 ( leave a msg). or on our FB Page. I would love to meet with them. I don't mind traveling or clearing an area. Hopefully we will be back soon. It is all in God's hands
Udate :
So as you may or not know we were forced to cancel this year's Father and Son Camp Out. Due to logistics issues and our permit which was approved in March being pulled at the last minute. The good news is we seem to have found a new home and a new home brings new challenges. Most of the equipment that we use has been bought or built by Jeff Toothman. Like said a new home brings new challenges so I am reaching out to you. Family, friends, past participants and those who believe in what we are doing. If you feel led to I would ask that you visit our donation page and make a one time contribution or you can make a recurring donation of any amount it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. God Bless you.